Animated Twitch Overlay Full Package - Space Kitty
Animated Twitch Overlay Full Package - Space Kitty
Animated Space Kitty Twitch Full Overlay Package
What's Included
- 3 x Animated Screens (Starting, BRB & Thanks for watching)
- 1 x Animated Stinger Transition
- 3 Static Screens
- 1 x Animated Background
- 2 x Background
- 1 x Game Screen Border
- 1 x Chatbox
- 2 x Webcam 16:9 & 4:3
- 3 Recent Alerts Bar + 1 Blank Recent Alerts Bar
- 1 x Long Blank Bar
- 5 Static Deco Images
- 3 Animated Deco Images
- 1 Animated Alert, .webm, .gif & .png
- 25 Panels
-- About
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-- Sponsors
-- Streamlabs Import Overlay File Included to help easy import
All files are in PNG/webm/gif format with transparent background.
If you would like to make changes (eg. change the dogs to cats/ your own characters), feel free to PM me.
- Customisations will involve additional costs.
- Roughly will take about 3-5 working days
All items are for personal use only, not to be sold, shared or distributed.
Digital sales are final, no refunds available.
If you have any questions or issues feel free to let me know!